Sunday, July 10, 2011

I really am quite bad at this.....

So another year has come and gone. Hahaha, it's amusing to me how I keep stumbling across this old blog of mine every summer. In any case, I think an update is a good way to tease this blog into a semi-living state.

For the past year I've been attending the University of Texas at Austin and have had quite an interesting year. To start off, when I went to my orientation last summer I was burnt to a crisp. The day before I had gone to the lake and was on a boat with family for the entire day and despite my best efforts at using sunscreen (really, I used a shitload of it), I was burned so bad that my skin was like leather. o.o Seriously. 

But I digress. So I made it to Austin just fine and dandy, ready to dig down into my studies! But a few things were against my expectations. To begin, I was not living in a regular, normal, dorm room. It was supplemental and basically just a little closet type room. Most of the time in supplemental, you can have around 4 or 5 people living in the same room. I on the other hand was quite lucky in that I only had one other roommate and so our room was quite large. But we had no windows so it was ALWAYS cold and dark in there.

While I had no problems with a supplemental living arrangement (I'm a girl who hates spending money in any way shape or form. With supplemental I didn't have to pay as much as I would for a normal room), it felt like I was in limbo. I suppose the whole "No Windows" aspect of the arrangement just made me feel locked in a box. That entire semester seems that way in my memories. Which, by the way, is another thing that landed funny in my whole list of expectations. The first semester I was thinking I'd get to dig into my studies, as in my major studies. But when I get there and talk to my adviser, I discover that they require more sciences than I took, and I also needed to take another math class. Oh the joy.

Now while I do love science, I am not the kind of girl who loves doing experiments where she has to write down data every day. Booooring. And that essentially was what my Astronomy class was. I also took a Dinosaur class. Yes, that's right, you heard me. A Dinosaur class. We learned all about dinosaurs and their names and bones and all that kind of stuff. It wasn't too bad, just required more effort on my part. Ugh, and don't get me started on my math class I took in the second semester. I took the "liberal arts" math class, which is suffice to say the "I don't care about math, nor does my major have anything to do with math, and I suck at math" math class. It was a lesson in patience, that class. And I was forced to take it at 8 in the freaking morning!! Gah, not a pretty memory of mine.

But while there were these things in the way of my true interests, I did get the opportunity to take some classes that leaned towards my major and minor. I have officially completed my first year of Korean!! And I aced both semesters of it as well! Honestly, I've always loved languages, but in my high school, we were only offered Spanish because the school was so small. I got tired of only having Spanish as a choice so I didn't commit any of it to memory. After 3 years of it, I only remember "Hola! Como estas?". Truly a pity on my part. But Korean is an entirely different matter. It's just so much fun for me! I suppose I should make a post where I write the entire thing in Korean as an effort to practice, but I'm really quite bad at this whole blogging thing.

To go with my Korean classes, I also took an Asian Studies course called "Intro to Traditional Asian Theatre" or something like that. >_> It was a very interesting class! I made a lot of friends in that class as well as in my Korean class. But what I feel is the most significant as far as friends go, was the strange fact that I met my first Korean friends, who were actually born and raised in Korean, in my Astronomy class! That group of ours from the lab was such a happy little group where we were constantly speaking in Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and English. Hahaha, such good times!

Unfortunately, my two Korean friends have gone back to Korea and so I must bide my time until I go to Korea myself so that I may see them again! *dramatic pose* But in all seriousness, there are a LOT of Koreans at UT. It was as though everywhere I turned I saw Koreans. But more than that, I just wanted to say here and now that all you Korean people (and by people I mean girls because it is always the girls I catch doing this), I understand you when you speak Korean. I may not be fluent but I do understand a lot of what I hear. Please don't be so rude and bitchy when you talk about people (and by people I mean me -___-).

There, now that I got that off my chest! ^_^ I suppose it's about time I wrapped this up. In all honesty, I could keep on writing until I managed to hit an unknown character limit on the post! O.O Lol, but I highly doubt anyone has made it this far into this post. I'm an unusually long-winded person so I'm used to people not paying attention to everything I say. That is life! Anyways, for those of you who did read all of this, which I must admit is a very disorganized and random post, I congratulate and apologize to you. And I would finally like to thank you for reading.

This upcoming year I'll be taking Japanese as well as Korean so hopefully I'll come back next year with even more interesting things to tell!

읽어서 감사합니다!
안녕히 가세요!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Clean Up

So I've gone through and deleted all the old stuff. Because it has been such a long time since I began this blog, and seeing as how I've gone in a slightly different direction, I've decided to delete my old posts, most of them anyways. From today forth I will try to keep an active blog..... I doubt it will be any better than my last attempts, but hey, at least I'll have something that I can come back to next year and be like, wow, I was really wrong about a few of those things. >.>

Anyways, thats all I've got to say for now!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vacation in Colorado

So I just got back from vacation and have taken tons of photographs that I really like and would like to show them here. ^.^ It's not much, but I love 'em!

The pictures above are at my Aunt's house near Dallas, Texas. The rest are from Colorado/New Mexico.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I still exist! O.O

So it's been roughly a year since my last post. o.O

The things that have happened in this last year are numerous and yet not quite as engaging as I'd like to admit. I completed my associate's degree when I expected, which was after last winter semester. I had hoped to be at UT for this past semester but unfortunately things didn't quite work out like I had planned. So, I've taken this last semester off working and saving up my money biding my time until I can go to UT in the fall of this year.

My choice of major has changed over the course of this past year. Instead of Linguistics, I've decided that I want to get my BA in Asian Studies specializing in East Asian Countries (ie. China, Korea, Japan). I'm super excited to get to class and start studying! I should be moving down to Austin sometime in the next few months. But for now, I have orientation scheduled for Monday. I still haven't changed my goal of making it to Korea within in the next 4 years.

So yeah, other than this little update, I'll see what I can post up later on.